ENTREE | Profile | Olivia Bennett
Olivia Bennett

Olivia Bennett


Mobile App Developer

Swift Expert

About me

Olivia Bennett is a mobile app developer specializing in iOS development with Swift. She focuses on creating smooth, user-friendly mobile experiences and enjoys experimenting with the latest iOS frameworks.


iOS Development


Mobile UX


Core Data

My Projects

Fitness Tracking App for iOS

Fitness Tracking App for iOS

An iOS app developed to track fitness activities, including running, cycling, and swimming, with real-time statistics and progress tracking.

Augmented Reality (AR) Game

Augmented Reality (AR) Game

An interactive AR game built using Apple's ARKit, allowing users to engage in immersive augmented reality experiences.

Personal Finance App with Budget Tracking

Personal Finance App with Budget Tracking

A personal finance app developed with Swift, featuring budget tracking, expense categorization, and savings goal setting.

E-learning Mobile App for iOS

E-learning Mobile App for iOS

An e-learning platform designed for iOS devices, allowing users to access courses, track their progress, and receive notifications for upcoming lessons.

Recipe Management App with Offline Access

Recipe Management App with Offline Access

A recipe management app that allows users to save, organize, and access their favorite recipes offline, developed using Core Data.